Jump off the Ledge, Build A Plane on the Way Down
This phrase describes a lot about me. I would like to believe my spontaneity is one of the reasons my husband fell in love with me. I wanted to start this blog for many reasons, but among them, I felt that my life experiences and my willingness to share them would allow other people to realize that there’s at least one other crazy person out there. I know this blog is a mixed bag and none of these categories make sense being grouped together- that’s ok. Light Passing Through is one of the definitions for transparent and that’s the common thread among them.
About Me
I’m a wife, mother to 3 girls and 1 boy, and perhaps most importantly, a follower of Jesus. You will see these pieces of me sprinkled throughout the blog.
Much of this blog is written for the season that I’m in, things I’ve learned along the way, and things I find interesting and fun. Thanks for reading and holler at ya girl if you need anything!